Written & Video testimonials
You shared with me a card with the frequencies to treat COVID. I gave this to a dear friend and she took it home with her to Delaware. She then tells me that her friend's father was in the hospital with Covid and had a pulse ox of 86%. My friend used the card to make two bottles of water for the father. After drinking the water his pulse ox jumped to 96%. He was released from the hospital two days later and continues to do well.

-Dr. Ron Repice, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine Hahnemann Medical School
My grandson who is studying medicine in Spain asked for my help since he was feeling very bad with a cough, achiness, and fatigue. He related that his roommate was diagnosed with Covid.
I asked him to look at his computer screen and had him look at the healing frequency video that you were kind enough to share with me. He called back in two hours and told me he was almost back to normal and felt that he could take his exams the next day. In fact, he did and aced his tests.

-Dr. Ron Repice, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine Hahnemann Medical School