Nature's Healing Frequencies. Available 24/7
With our innovative technology, you can now access this quantum healing via your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.

An affordable, noninvasive healing modality now available 24/7
Through intelligent evolution and his 52+ years of clinical practice, Dr. Gerald H. Smith has integrated and developed a unique system whereby people can access frequency programs online. This one of a kind delivery system now makes the power of frequency healing available via your digital devices.

Overview of the Frequency Shop Programs
The Frequency programs were designed to aid you in your quest to restore your health. Since frequencies are the basis of the entire universe, they can be used to rebalance the cells, organs and tissues of the body.

Worldwide Recognition
A Revolutionary Energy and Frequency treatment with multiple applications is being applauded worldwide!
Patients are thrilled with the incredible results.
What's in it for you?
Multiple Treatment Applications Including Pain, Boosting Immunity, Reducing Inflammation, Anti-Age and More…
Now you're in control!
- No delays
- No prescription
- No mask wearing
- No Travel
- Affordable
- No high costs
- No long wait for physician
- No known side effects

Now you can use Frequency Energy applications to boost your natural immunity, reset your own body, and fight off flu and viruses by increasing your own natural immunity.

Gain Flumunity (R)

Tested and proven results ideal for Chronic Joint and Muscle Pain.

Boost your immunity

PAIN RELIEF…..Naturally !
Frequently Asked Questions

WHY is it Possible? Sounds too good to be true!
It’s NOT! It’s available now
Pain Relief...Naturally! It’s all about Nature and a Technology we are all familiar with. Used in television and radio for decades. Used in Medical profession. Used in manufacturing. Used in Chiropractic profession. Used in Physical therapy. Used by NASA. Used in the Auto industry. Banking, Education, Financial, Farming, Mining & Sports.
This ALL Natural Breakthrough is a NON-INVASIVE, harmless proprietary Frequency application.