About Us

What Is The Frequency Shop
Dr. Gerald H. Smith is the brain child and originator of the Frequency Shop. Through intelligent evolution and his 52 plus years of clinical practice, he has integrated and developed a unique system whereby people can access frequency programs on line. This one of kind delivery system now makes available healing frequencies via one’s smartphone, tablet, laptop, and desktop computer. The genius behind this technology utilizes universal frequencies plus digitally captured frequencies of natural remedies to heal the body. Food, vitamins, herbs, homeopathics, and drugs all represent a matrix to carry frequencies into the body. Through the use of sophisticated electronic systems and software Dr. Smith has discovered how to digitally capture the essence of vitamins, minerals, homeopathics, and even drugs to effect a healing response.
It has been said that necessity is the initiator for creativity. The Frequency Shop had its inception during the pandemic when our governmental authorities began suppressing availability of essential remedies to resolve the crisis. In addition to the pandemic, there also evolved a supply chain crisis, which made it difficult to obtain the needed remedies. The innovative concept of utilizing frequencies, which had its origin in the 1930s through the research of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, provided a simple solution. An affordable, noninvasive healing modality was now available 24/7, via common electronic devices that could be accessed by anyone around the world.
Our Natural Doctor, Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Doctor Smith graduated Temple School of Dentistry in 1969 and completed a two year tour of active duty as a captain in the U.S. Army Dental Corp. After practicing conventional dentistry for four years, Dr. Smith completed a two-year postgraduate orthodontic program in 1976. Sir, Doctor Smith is a Knight Hospitaller a dedicated professional organization dating back to the year 1050.
The Knights Hospitallers have official recognition from the United Nations and the Pope for their tremendous humanitarian work with the poor.
Doctor Smith is certified by the World Organization For Natural Medicine to practice natural medicine. Dr. Smith’s broad base of post-graduate training has enabled him to integrate many health care specialties over his 52+ years of clinical practice.
He has accumulated an impressive list of credentials, which includes lecturing at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, National Academy of General Dentistry, Academy of Head, Neck and Facial Pain, Yonsei Memorial Hospital in Seoul Korea and dozens of guest lecture appearances at national and international symposia. He is a board member of the World Organization For Natural Medicine. He was an active member of the Holistic Dental Association, past-president of the Holistic Dental Association and editor of their professional journal from 2003 to 2006. He also served as past president of the Pennsylvania Craniomandibular Society.
Dr. Smith is a recognized international authority and pioneer in craniomandibular somatic disorders with a focus on resolving chronic pain. Dr. Smith was the first researcher in the world to document cranial bone motion by means of his ground breaking research and development of the Dental Orthogonal Radiographic Analysis System.
He was also the first researcher in the world to discover how to resolve chronic pain by removing tension patterns within the human skull by means of the Occlusal Cranial Balancing Technique, which he developed.
Dr. Smith has also done pioneering research and discovered a major aspect to relieve post-concussion syndrome. He is the author of two landmark textbooks for professionals, Cranial-Dental-Sacral Complex and Dental Orthogonal Radiographic Analysis. He has also written important books for the lay person, Headaches Aren’t Forever and Reversing Cancer: A Journey From Cancer to Cure — a survivor’s guide for understanding the nature of cancer, restoring the immune system, psychological healing, destroying cancer, and regeneration. He has also published several downloadable E-books, Alternative Treatments For Conquering Chronic Pain, Remove the “Splinters” and Watch the Body Heal, and his latest book Cancer Deconstructed.
Doctor Smith’s 52+ years of clinical research have identified several of the major missing links for successfully treating dentally related medical issues, cancer, post-concussion syndrome, and chronic pain.
In addition, Dr. Smith has published over fifty articles and contributed chapters to several professional books, developer of the Physiologic Adaptive Range Concept, Occlusal Cranial Balancing Technique, Quantum Testing Technique, and a special dental x-ray analysis system for measuring cranial bone motion. He holds two US Patents: a unique precision attachment for dental fixed bridgework and a second patent for a flash adaptor to facilitate taking intraoral photographs. He also has extensive training in the use of the Theraphi System (scalar energy) and CyberScan diagnostic system. Dr. Smith has been utilizing healing frequencies in his integrative medical practice along with a specialty using the Ngui Matrix Qigong acupuncture system.
Doctor Smith is also president of the International Center For Nutritional Research, Inc. and he still maintains a private practice in Bucks County Pennsylvania, where he focuses his integrative nutritional healing concepts on chronic pain patients.